Who We Are
Our Story
Matthew & Amanda DeSarro started Hope Ranch in 2002 after serving in international missions throughout Brazil, China, and Nepal. They had felt for many years that God had been placing it on their hearts to begin their own ministry to help at-risk children, but the task felt too overwhelming given that there was a need for this virtually everywhere. It was throughout their own adoption journeys — first in Colombia, followed by Ethiopia and Montana — that they felt God pulling them to serve in these three locations where they had become accustomed to the specific needs. Together with their 7 children, the DeSarros have been serving locally & internationally ever since! Their focus has always been to follow God’s lead and lean on the wisdom of their dedicated board as they serve together.
While the areas of focus for Hope Ranch are very specific and unique to each location, overall, our mission is to care for, serve, and protect at-risk youth & impoverished families in a way that supports sustainability and empowerment throughout Montana, Ethiopia, and Colombia.
Our Mission
Led by the Holy Spirit, we seek to bring Christ-centered restoration to needy and impoverished families & orphans through domestic and international partnerships with local people, for the Glory of God.
Our Board Members
Matt & Amanda DeSarro • Mark & Nancy Peeples • Art & Janice Jones • Patrick & Mary Ellen Murnane • Chad & Marti Boal • Brian & Ali Starr •
The DeSarro Family from Left to Right: Remington, Gideon, Bella, Matthew, Amanda, Benjamin, Dominic, Cecilia, and Hadassah
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
— Mother Theresa